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Splash Screen - Android Studio

Add A Beautiful Splash Screen To Your Application - Android Studio Project - 2
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As a continuation of Android Studio Project - 1 . This article is about adding a splash screen to your application you don't need to start a new project edit in the existing project itself , so lets start .....

Refer to my previous post if you don't know to setup android studio and if you are starting a new project . Am writing as if you have already read the previous post so if you have not read check it - Build An Application For Your Website (Android Studio)

Watch The Video And Follow Me :

  1. Open Android Studio.
  2. Start a navigation drawer activity .
  3. Open an existing project or a new one (i am doing it as a continuation of Project - 1)
  4. After the loading and all follow these steps carefully .
 So Our Project Starts From Here ......
  1. Lets start with AndroidManifest.xml
  2. Open  app -> manifest -> AndroidManifest.xml .  
  3. Here we need to set the launch to our splash screen activity created . So we need to change it .
  4. Select the entire codes and replace it with the codes below .
  5. Now move on to the java part .
  6. Open app -> java -> com.appname.app and left click , select New , Then select Java Class .

  7.  Give name splash then click OK .
  8. Now a new java class is created .
  9. Select the entire codes and replace it with the code below .
  10. Change the links of Facebook , Google + , Twitter of mine with yours .
  11. Now make a splash screen image for your application , See the example of one which i have created . 
  12. Name the image as splash_img and it must be in PNG format (splash_img.png)
  13. Now Lets Design Our Splash Screen , So Lets Move On To The Layout Part .
  14. Open -> app -> res -> Layout , Left click and select New , then select Layout resource file .

  15. Give it name activity_splash then click OK .
  16. Now new layout for splash screen is created , lets design it .
  17. Select the entire codes and replace it with the code below .
  18. Now this is how it looks like in the design part .
  19.  We do have added a new colour (white) , so lets add it in the colour section . 
  20. Open app -> res -> values -> color .
  21.  Select the entire codes and replace it with the code below .
  22. Now go to res -> values -> styles.xml
  23. Select the entire codes and replace it with the code below .
  24. Add this files to the drawable .
  25. Download this file extract the file copy the three pictures go to android studio -> drawable and paste it there . 
  26. OK splash screen have been added successfully to your application .
  27. Now Goto Build -> Build Apk .
 Please Comment If Any Improvements Are Needed Or If You Don't Understand Any Part , I Would Respond As Fast As Possible Or Use Our Online Live Chat Option Which Is Floating On The Left Part Of The Page .

Part 1 - Build An Application For Your Website ( Link To The Post - Click Here )

Part 3 - Set Up An In-Build Update Checker For Your Application ( Link To The Post - Click Here )
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