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Add A Popup Box To Your Website

Easy way to add a simple pop up box to a website.Hand Picked Widgets, Blogger widgets, Add A Popup Box To Your Website.
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Add A Popup Box To Your Website

An easy way to add a simple pop up box to a website. I have set the text asking the user to download our application, like this, you can customise and design it to your wish.

How to add it?
  1. Go to your template.
  2. Paste this JavaScript codes bellow the <head> tag .
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function downloadmyapp() {
    if (confirm("Download our Android application .") == true) {
    } else {}
  3. Now search for <body> tag .
  4. Replace it with this code.
    <body onload="downloadmyapp()"></body>
  5. Save your template. Done .
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