Have you ever noticed the Common Blogging Mistakes that you make on your blog ?
Mistakes are not a big problems but as a blogger mistakes could bother you a lot, and the thing is that you won't be knowing the problems that are caused due to the mistakes that you have done . Humm, You might have felt a little nervous hearing this, but there is no need for worrying because there are no problems that could not be solved . I will be taking you through the mistakes that you could have done knowingly or unknowingly .
First and the important mistake that is connected with your websites security
Many blogger don't even think of their connection and security . Think that an ordinary man/women visiting your blog, he/she finds an insecure symbol on the top of the browser (mostly with Chrome,Firefox etc ), the first thing that can come to their mind is this that by visiting this site will it case some problem to them and this taught is somewhat a truth . Because an attacker could do any this if your website is insured for example : making the visitor to download a malware, making the visitor go through advertisements that you haven't added and many more like this . Your website should be secured from all threats and you can make your website secures very easily . Your website security lies on the selection that you make between HTTP and HTTPS .
What to choose HTTP or HTTPS ?
HTTP means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and its is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web . HTTP cannot be removed and its very important for a website to exist . HTTP is not a secured connection and this means that your data could be stolen or the data could be edited by an attacker .
What to do to have secured connection ?
Well here comes the use of HTTPS . HTTPS means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure . HTTPS is a secured connection and it encrypts the transactions between you and your visitor . This makes it difficult for an attacker to play with your website and its contents or any truncations that you make . Take the case of an ordinary men/women visiting your website which is HTTPS (secured) he/she will be seeing this symbol
How HTTPS affect ranking of your blog - Read it from Google's blog
Second mistake that is regarded with your posts
Writing posts which are not SEO friendly is anther mistake that most of the blogger make and its mainly because they don't know to write an search engine friendly posts . You blogs over all SEO depends on all the blog posts . Having a template with is SEO optimized won't make your blog/website search engine friendly . You have to concentrate on your posts . Many of the bloggers have a false notion that SEO is something regarded with the template and this is completely wrong . Each posts should be search engine friendly . SEO begins with your Site Name, Description, Post title, Post description, keywords and a lot more .
Third and the major mistake is the writing style that you choose for writing
My suggestion :
Writing style is very important if you are a blogger . Style of blogging is really different from other website that you build for your company or etc . You should write as if you are talking to one person who is sitting in front of you . Many bloggers write as if he is talking to a crowd or as if he/she is making a speech this will not be much likely to your readers . If your readers feel that you are talking to them they will be getting engaged reading the article and this is very important for growing up your blog .
All these are very Common Blogging Mistakes that many blogger do without knowing . I hope you all will correct your mistakes and take a step forward towards success .
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