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Best IDE's For Android Development

Top 5 IDE's for android development that makes android development easy and fast .
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Best IDE's For Android Development

Which is the best choice to make a professional application, fast and easy ?

I would be introducing you to the 5 best IDE's that you can use for developing applications for Android .

1. Android Studio
There is no need to think much for finding the best IDE for android development, Android Studio is ranking to be the best . Android Studio is developed by Google . We can't expect any thing below quality from Google, because Google always brings the best . Android Studio is also the best IDE . After the arrival of Android Studio, android development have become a lot more easy and even a kid with a bit of programming knowledge can deal with Android Studio . I personally have, experienced the difference between Android Studio and other IDE's and fount Android Studio to be the best and it shows an outstanding performance .
2. IntelliJ IDEA
Every aspect of IntelliJ IDEA is specifically designed to maximize developer productivity . Together, powerful static code analysis and ergonomic design make development not only productive but also an enjoyable experience . Its much similar to Android Studio .
3. Xamarin
Xamarin is not just for android it could be used for IOS and Windows as well . This is one of the feature that makes it stand out from the crowd .
4. NetBeans IDE
Using NetBeans IDE we can easily develop desktop, mobile and web applications with Java, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, C/C++ and more . NetBeans IDE is FREE, open source, and has a worldwide community of users and developers .
5. Eclipse Che
It is also another IDE which is a good choice for developers .
These are the best comparing to the other IDE's which are available . I recommend Android Studio for Android Development . So choose your platform and start creating something amazing .

Some of the Android Studio Project Tutorials ( with videos ) :
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